Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

I'll tell you about I like and what I do not like.
               I really like the sport particularly sport because the sport bicycle usually do when filling in my spare time or when I'm off in daily activities.
I usually exercise bicycle around temat I live in mountainous areas or in areas such as rural districts tasikmalaya longevity because there its very clean air and fresh addition to the fresh air was still beautiful natural scenery.
There are some things that made me love sports bicycle, I can feel the benefits for myself.
When my bicycle I can release tiredness in my day to day routine, but it also bicycle I feel the effects on the health of myself of course, with bicycle can burn our calories,and also with bicycle I can be strong in carrying out my daily activities.
               Although I really liked the sport bycle there too that I do not like the bicycle sport is when my bicycle  having problems on my bicycle I like, tire bicycle I have a flat or bicycle I damaged others because it can bother me to improve my bicycle

I also do not like when 1 bycleling meet steep inclines because it can drain energy and my energy.

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